Where are all the wonderful news stories? We are well aware that good news helps us feel better, sleep better and generally cope better with life. In some cases, people have cured themselves of diseases by surrounding themselves with laughter!
Here are the top six areas of life that we experience every day, how we can become aware of them, and make each and every day our own wonderful news day.
How great is it when someone tells you that you're an inspiration? You may have simply been doing what you do without even thinking about it and as a result, someone has been moved to better themselves. What a feeling to know you have made a positive impact on someone. This could be anything from volunteering as a big brother/sister, offering gentle guidance, helping someone overcome a challenge, or simple encouragement. When was the last time you had that warm feeling of being inspired or inspiring?
Have you ever set yourself a challenge that, at the time, you thought was impossible? Maybe it was to climb Everest, run a mile, sail the world, lose 20 pounds, plant a garden or learn a new skill. Did you achieve it? How did it make you feel and how do you feel now thinking back on it? Fantastic I bet.
It's wonderful to know you set your sights, focused on the objective and achieved your goal. Sharing the challenge with others boosts encouragement from them too. Just look at the people who line the streets for a marathon! One achievement leads to another which leads to another, building your confidence from within and from others.
What are you grateful for today? Maybe it's your health, your job, your family, your home, your friends, your achievements. Maybe you've overcome an addiction or had a narrow escape from disaster.
If we look, we can always find others who are less fortunate in some way, than us. Being grateful for what we have means that we never take life for granted. A great way to realise just how lucky we are is to write a gratitude list every morning. Number one on the list might be 'waking up". Try it. We all have so much to be grateful for.
Have you ever had or have you ever been a friend, a shoulder to lean on, a lover, a guardian, a teacher, a parent, or a grandparent? Ever had a pet? These are just a few of the different relationships we experience in life. They all provide a multitude of memories. They all shape us. They are a necessity of life. They are to be treasured, remembered, learned from and shared.
What does this mean to you? How do you celebrate your health? There are many who have what would be considered hardly any health at all who achieve remarkable things and inspire others, all the while struggling from day--to--day. Health is personal and we know how great it is when we feel good. We also feel good sharing the joy of success in those less fortunate in health than us.
Fun and Happiness
What are you going to do today to have fun? What did you do yesterday? What makes you happy? The answers to these simple questions are sometimes very difficult. Life can take over and supersede our desires for these two areas.
However, when we are happy and having fun, our whole physiology changes positively. In fact, those around us get caught up in the good vibrations that we send out. In turn, these good vibrations continue to stretch to others.
So, how do we spread and share all the wonderful news in the world when we are surrounded with news that creates negative emotion?
There is an answer. It's called Wonderful News Network and it's dedicated to sharing the wonderful news in the world. Here's the link: http://www.wonderfulnewsnetwork.com It costs nothing.
Share your inspiration, achievements and gratitude. Make relationships, create a healthy environment and most of all, have fun and be happy!
Share your inspiration, achievements and gratitude. Make relationships, create a healthy environment and most of all, have fun and be happy!
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